Monday, December 10, 2012


1)   What is your business?
My company is a high end clothing line designing multiple unique articles of clothing.

2)   Describe your business in one sentence
We make many different designed dress shirts, hats, jackets, T-Shirts and many different more high end classy items.
3)   Who is your target audience?
Our target audience is many different younger males from ages 15-60 depending on what you are buying, our company really tries to reach out to the creative minds of young newer artist and their desire to create.

4)   Who are your competitors?
There are many different types of clothing lines and they all for the most part have different styles our main focus is to try and steer away from the everyday casual look and try to enhance the fact of the unique and stylish design.
5)   What makes them better/worse than your product/service?
I wouldn't say other competitor have a worse product but more of an limited target audience with my company I am seeing many types of different styles of artiest and unique people.

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