Monday, December 10, 2012


1)   What is your business?
My company is a high end clothing line designing multiple unique articles of clothing.

2)   Describe your business in one sentence
We make many different designed dress shirts, hats, jackets, T-Shirts and many different more high end classy items.
3)   Who is your target audience?
Our target audience is many different younger males from ages 15-60 depending on what you are buying, our company really tries to reach out to the creative minds of young newer artist and their desire to create.

4)   Who are your competitors?
There are many different types of clothing lines and they all for the most part have different styles our main focus is to try and steer away from the everyday casual look and try to enhance the fact of the unique and stylish design.
5)   What makes them better/worse than your product/service?
I wouldn't say other competitor have a worse product but more of an limited target audience with my company I am seeing many types of different styles of artiest and unique people.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Logo Critiques

Adidas is more of a complex logo and has fit the business it self very well it is fashionable and will flow good with many products.

Lego logo is a classic logo sort of symbolizing what there product presents.

Taco bell logo is a simple but catchy, the colors flow very well with the graphic.

USA logo is very simple but shows that it is a more serious network playing many varieties of show and movie selections.
Apple logo is very simple but explains so much about the business the even fact of why we have graphics in the first place.

Custom Graphic

 I wanted to take a sort of different approach towards this assignment by taking the fact of the natural ice glacier and use this as my own art canvas with a strange free form pattern, I had imported a picture of a triangle as a costume brush pattern. I really wanted the true beauty the picture captures to stand out and not be interfered with to much graphic but as of more blend in its own unique way.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

YoUng man's Flip Book



Ray Kurzweil: Get Ready For A Computer In Your Brain

Raymond Kurzweil has played a huge role thus far in the amazing world of technology and is only improving the spectacular abilities of the way technology can change how we live, think and even SEE life as we know it in a completely different way. Raymond is predicting the pace of technology is going to be so fast in around 40 years us as humans would not be able to keep up with the technology unless we enhance our own intelligence by combining it with the technology Raymond has created. He is the actual future we have all been seeing in movies and cartoons for many years now and been urgently awaiting for it to be apart of our real life by effect the way we live and everything we do.It will be a very exciting and amazing time in 2029, an personally is what I have been dreaming and awaiting for my entire life its mind blowing thinking about how something we have made can enhance our qualities we have been born with from birth.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The brand new movie Earthquake was an amazing production for its time. The introduction to the new sound system of having speakers surround all around you while watching the breaking and tumbling of all the earths plates dividing and huge towers being destroyed. It put straight fear in the people sitting in the movie theater seats. They have never heard anything like this in a film production the speakers were so strong they made the entire theater rumble with vibrations from the sound of the earthquake even made some of the theaters tiles fall from the ceiling on the people watching the film, Earthquake was an amazing production and was a pneumonia for its time and put amazement  into the people watching.

Old time radio-War of the Worlds radio casing

At the time of radio casting was fairly new and everyone was tuning in to listen to there favorite shows , news, soap operas, talk shows, sports, national announcements everyone loved to get around and listen to the radio as a source of cheap fun entertainment. At the time radios in cars was an amazing new phenomena everyone love getting all there friends and riding around in their cars blasting there favorite tunes.Radio was a hit and it was used as a everyday source of entertainment people started to rely on radios to help plan out there day listen to the news or weather. When the Radio cast of War of the Worlds was cased around the world people took it as an emergency announcement and caused straight panic for people that did not know it was only just a radio show casing. People really believe that the world was currently being taking over by aliens.

Radio castings were the only mean of mass communication in multiple different areas at once this ables many different usefully abilities for the radio and can effect people in there everyday life even in there field of work or studies.This new introduction to the radio would change the media world forever and made it is today and it is still improving everyday.

Calligram Skull

Monday, October 1, 2012

Singin' in the Rain: A Clockwork Orange

In the movie, A Clockwork Orange the widely know famous song of Singin' in the rain was sang during the rough assault and rape scene in the movie.The monstrous villain was singing the calm, soft loving song during while he had beat this man tied him and his wife up and watch the man rape his wife. This irony in this scene portrayed by the author portrayed the twisted mind of the young men doing this.


Technicolor was first introduced and invented in 1916, than just blew up from there out it was the second major process after Britain's Kinemacolor. Technicolor had quickly become the most commonly used color process in Hollywood in 1922. This became the introduction to color in films revolutionizing the way society portray the film industry and put sure excitement into the people sitting in the seats of the theater.Technicolor had than quickly well known for its two color filters of green and red, this was most commonly used for musical films as the forever well known Singin' in the Rain and even into the all know famous animated films of Disney such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Citizen Kane- Rosebud

The notorious film of Citizen Kane beginnings with the death of the well known millionaire dying in his bed holding a snow globe while uttering the word "Rosebud"after this the film continues to follow the life of Kane through a different scenes of flashbacks, Rosebud remains a mystery until the last scene   after Kane has passed people are searching through his junk at his home and stumble upon Kane's childhood sled that has imprinted on it Rosebud. Signifying Kane being forced away from his home at a very young age and being forced to live a stressful grown up way of life. Rosebud is a symbol for the child hood life that Kane had never had also the day his mother left him. Citizen Kane is also so famous for its amazing lighting and extraordinary camera angles.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Gertie The Dinosaur

 Gertie The Dinosaur is the first of its kind of animation for kinds its repetitive moments were caused because every scene is hand drawn its amazing how detailed animation could just be drawn up by someone.

The Great Train Robbery

 The Great Train Robbery was an unique film for its time its amazing angles on top of the moving train was stunning towards the audience also having the train appear as it was coming off the screen is new for this time and would certainly shock anyone not expecting it.The Great Train Robbery, was an extremely large scale production for especially for its time every camera angle was special in its own way it did not only the use of an entire train but shooting a scene on the moving train, was a huge deal compared other movies just showing people act out things.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Heart Assignment ART210C

var controlX1 = 300;
var controlY1 = 0;
var controlX2 = 100;
var controlY2 = 200;
var endX = 250;
var endY = 325;

var controlX3 = 380;
var controlY3 = 400;
var endX2 = 400;
var endY2 = 500;

var controlX4 = 435;
var controlY4 = 400;
var endX3 = 550;
var endY3 = 325;

var controlX5 = 700;
var controlY5 = 200;
var controlX6 = 500;
var controlY6 = 0;
var endX4 = 400;
var endY4 = 200;

var grdstartX = 400;
var grdstartY = 0;
var grdendX = 400;
var grdendY = 600;

context.rect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
var grd = context.createLinearGradient(grdstartX, grdstartY, grdendX, grdendY);
grd.addColorStop(0, 'rgb(255, 0, 255)');
grd.addColorStop(1, 'rgb(0, 0, 255)');
context.fillStyle = grd;

context.bezierCurveTo(controlX1, controlY1, controlX2, controlY2, endX, endY);
context.quadraticCurveTo(controlX3, controlY3, endX2, endY2);
context.quadraticCurveTo(controlX4, controlY4, endX3, endY3);
context.bezierCurveTo(controlX5, controlY5, controlX6, controlY6, endX4, endY4);
context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 160, 160)';
context.lineWidth = 5;
context.lineCap = 'round';
context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(50, 50, 255)';

Monday, September 10, 2012

My Name Is Kevin

My name is Kevin Young, i'm excited to be a freshman at the University of Tampa. I'm a big lacrosse player, i play lsm and defense for the school. Majoring in graphic design for i have an unique artistic ability and it's something i enjoy doing.
My first interpretation of the class is that it's interesting and very informative when it comes to opera history. From this class i expect to learn about many different play writers and plays themselves.